S6 E14: Michael Odongo, Angaza Center

Joe Amari returns to host Michael Odongo, founder and CEO of the Angaza Center, which aims to provide resources to children in Africa, to equip them to get the education they need to change their futures. Growing up in Kenya, Michael came to the U.S. to continue his education, doing his post-grad work in IT and began working in the field. Now, as a resident of the Chicago area, Michael has continued his passion for education and ensuring that he helped to provide a ladder for others to climb as well. Though the challenges are real, and sometimes loom large, Michael knew that providing more technical literacy to more people can open a new world of opportunity for every person. Michael and the Angaza Center continue to do their work, impacting lives both in here and abroad.

Click here to learn more!


S6 E15: En Masse Architecture and Design


S6 E13: Kim Greene Hiller, The Laughing Academy